
Council publishes report on the sentencing of stalking offences in Scotland
The Council has published a new literature review examining the sentencing of stalking offences in Scotland.

Research explores victims' views on sentencing domestic abuse
The Scottish Sentencing Council today published a new report examining how victim-survivors of domestic abuse view sentencing in Scotland.

Views sought on draft sentencing guidelines for rape offences
The Scottish Sentencing Council is seeking views on draft sentencing guidelines for rape offences.

Scottish Sentencing Research Symposium
The Council recently hosted the inaugural Scottish Sentencing Research Symposium, an event which welcomed experts from across the UK to offer perspectives on sentencing research.
A full report of the event has now been published on the Council website, along with presentations from the various speakers.

Report: Confidence in community sentencing requires adequate resourcing
A report by the Scottish Sentencing Council has captured the views of various justice professionals who attended a stakeholder event on community sentencing.