All information published by the Council, including the Council's business plans and annual reports, can be accessed on this page.
Further details about the classes of information published by the Council, and how to access that information, are available in the Guide to information published by the Scottish Sentencing Council.
Report of focus groups on youth offending and sentencing (104kb)
A summarised evaluation of the public perceptions of youth offending and sentencing. This work was used to inform the Scottish Sentencing Council’s decision making and drafting around the ‘Sentencing young people’ guideline
Public perceptions of sentencing national survey report (1mb)
The Scottish Sentencing Council has published a new report exploring public knowledge and attitudes towards sentencing in Scotland, which was carried out by the independent research organisation Ipsos MORI.
Public perceptions of sentencing national survey report (1mb)
The Scottish Sentencing Council has published a new report exploring public knowledge and attitudes towards sentencing in Scotland, which was carried out by the independent research organisation Ipsos MORI.
Scottish Sentencing Council's written evidence on the presumption against short sentences (178kb)
The Scottish Sentencing Council' written evidence to the Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the presumption against short sentences.
Sentencing of sexual offences conference report (485kb)
Report from stakeholder engagement conference on sentencing of sexual offences held in Edinburgh on 22 June 2018. The conference was attended by offer 80 organisations and individuals.