All information published by the Council, including the Council's business plans and annual reports, can be accessed on this page.
Further details about the classes of information published by the Council, and how to access that information, are available in the Guide to information published by the Scottish Sentencing Council.
Causing death by driving offences - Literature review (502kb)
Dr Rachel McPherson and Professor Cyrus TataCentre for Law, Crime & Justice, The Law School, Strathclyde University
Sentencing Young People Report (358kb)
This report outlines the key points discussed at the Council's Sentencing Young People conference.
Presentation on Sentencing Parents - Dr Shona Minson (295kb)
Dr Shona Minson, of the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford presented this paper to the Council discussion event on the Sentencing of Parents.
Sentencing of Parents Discussion Report (255kb)
This documents reports on the 'sentencing of parents' discussion held by the Council with interested organisations.